
Person re-identification (re-ID) is to match different images of the same pedestrian. It has attracted increasing research interest in pattern recognition and machine learning. Traditionally, person re-ID is formulated as a metric learning problem with binary classification output. However, higher order relationship, such as triplet closeness among the instances, is ignored by such pair-wise based metric learning methods. Thus, the discriminative information hidden in these data is insufficiently explored. This paper proposes a new structured loss function to push the frontier of the person re-ID performance in realistic scenarios. The new loss function introduces two margin parameters. They operate as bounds to remove positive pairs of very small distances and negative pairs of large distances. A trade-off coefficient is assigned to the loss term of negative pairs to alleviate class-imbalance problem. By using a linear function with the margin-based objectives, the gradients w.r.t. weight matrices are no longer dependent on the iterative loss values in a multiplicative manner. This makes the weights update process robust to large iterative loss values. The new loss function is compatible with many deep learning architectures, thus, it induces new deep network with pair-pruning regularization for metric learning. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets. The results indicate that the new loss together with the ResNet-50 backbone has excellent feature representation ability for person re-ID.

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