
We will present the design, capabilities, and characteristics of the recently commissioned Beamline X-11B at the National Synchrotron Light Source. This line has been designed to optimally function in the ‘‘soft’’ x-ray regime (1–5 keV), but can easily be used up to the design limit of the storage ring. The beamline, which shares a common vacuum with the storage ring, is equipped with a double crystal fixed-exit UHV monochromator. The monochromator crystals are mounted on rotating carousels that can each carry four crystals, permitting crystal changes to cover different energy ranges without breaking vacuum. The incident radiation carousel is water cooled and the second carousel can be heated, allowing thermal equilibration of the crystals. The line can be equipped with a UHV backend or a ‘‘fast-turnaround’’ backend. The UHV backend can be used for surface EXAFS and other surface techniques (XPS, Auger) on line. The fast-turnaround backend has been designed to work under less stringent vacuum demands, permitting relatively rapid sample changes for systems that are not oxygen sensitive. We acknowledge the support of the US DOE, Division of Materials Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AS05-ER10742 for its role in the development and operation of Beamline X-11 at the NSLS. The NSLS is supported by the US DOE, Divisions of Materials Sciences and Chemical Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH00016.

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