
Deconstruction is a critical theory and it claims that language is a system of signs and a system of contradictions, differences, and oppositions. According to this theory, a text is deconstructed and derived new sense from that piece of literature. So, this theory is operational for the meanings ultimately and unstable. According to Derrida, the theory of deconstruction tries to suppress or defer the meaning of any text which is shown. So, literary persons cannot control their piece of literature from this point of view. “Yellow Leaves”, is one of the best poems written by Muhammad Riaz Gohar. The poem depicts the autumn time in the relationship. There are too many meanings in the poem even in the title. So, the text of the poem gives us the power to generate new meanings, aesthetic value, and endless sweetness. This study tries to explore the hidden themes, and thoughts of the poem by close reading and analyzing it. The researcher applied the principles of the theory of Deconstruction for the first time to this text and the rest of the aesthetic values of this poem. This study concludes that the newly established meanings of “Yellow Leaves” can be sure of being decidable or themselves.

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