
and placed them in the fringer position in the social structure. Of the different fringer types, betrayers were the most dangerous and the most feared because of their deliberate efforts to attain personal goals at the expense of the factions by using illegitimate means. Newcomers disturbed prison life when they were extended faction bids and evaded the responsibility of accepting them. Causing the least unrest were the disorganized personalities who because of their psychotic tendencies were tolerated by the factions. In terms of total prison life what was the effect of the fringer role? To answer this question it is necessary to look at the informal structure which had transcended the formal organization to organize prison life. From this view we see the role of the fringers had three major effects. First, the fringers threatened the solidarity of the factions and thus of prison life by violating faction norms. Second, they simultaneously tended to reinforce the integration of the factions by reemphasizing to the factions faction standards and the need of avoiding those who violated them. Third, they helped to lessen the antagonism between the factions by acting as a counter-irritant. Why were the fringers able to infringe upon the rights of the factions and not have pressures brought against them? Again the answer lies in the nature of the informal structure. The two factions having divergent interests and competing with one another for power not only produced the possibility for the aberrant conduct but also rendered it incapable of control.

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