
The papilionoid legume genus Ormosia (Fabaceae) comprises about 150 species of trees and exhibits a striking disjunct geographical distribution between the New World- and Asian and Australasian wet tropics and subtropics. Modern classifications of Ormosia are not grounded on a well-substantiated phylogenetic hypothesis and have been limited to just portions of the geographical range of the genus. The lack of an evolutionarily-based foundation for systematic studies has hindered taxonomic work on the genus and prevented the testing of biogeographical hypotheses related to the origin of the Old World/New World disjunction and the individual dispersal histories within both areas. Here, we present the most comprehensively sampled molecular phylogeny of Ormosia to date, based on analysis of both nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK and trnL–F) DNA sequences from 82 species of the genus. Phylogenetically-based divergence times and ancestral range estimations are employed to test hypotheses related to the biogeographical history of the genus. We find strong support for the monophyly of Ormosia and the grouping of all sampled Asian species of the genus into two comparably sized clades, one of which is sister to another large clade containing all sampled New World species. Within the New World clade, additional resolution supports the grouping of most species into three mutually exclusive subordinate clades. The remaining New World species form a fourth well-supported clade in the analyses of plastid sequences, but that result is contradicted by the analysis of ITS. With few exceptions the supported clades have not been previously recognized as taxonomic groups. The biogeographical analysis suggests that Ormosia originated in continental Asia and dispersed to the New World in the Oligocene or early Miocene via long-distance trans-oceanic dispersal. We reject the hypothesis that the inter-hemispheric disjunction in Ormosia resulted from fragmentation of a more continuous “Boreotropical” distribution since the dispersal post-dates Eocene climatic maxima. Both of the Old World clades appear to have originated in mainland Asia and subsequently dispersed into the Malay Archipelago and beyond, at least two lineages dispersing across Wallace’s Line as far as the Solomon Islands and northeastern Australia. In the New World, the major clades all originated in Amazonia. Dispersal from Amazonia into peripheral areas in Central America, the Caribbean, and Extra-Amazonian Brazil occurred multiple times over varying time scales, the earliest beginning in the late Miocene. In a few cases, these dispersals were followed by local diversification, but not by reverse migration back to Amazonia. Within each of the two main areas of distribution, multiple modest bouts of oceanic dispersal were required to achieve the modern distributions.

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