
The Yellow River basin, bordering Kunlun in the west, Yinshan in the north, Qinling in the south and Bohai in the east, flows through nine provinces in China. As an important ecological security barrier area, residential area and economic development area in China, it plays a pivotal strategic role in the national development layout and socialist modernization. Based on historical paper and network data from 103 counties and districts of the nine provinces in the basin, this dataset is composed of 28 subsets, including the data on population (the total population, urban population distribution, ethnic habitat and population, gender structure), economy (per capita disposable income of urban residents , investment in fixed assets), agriculture (cultivated land area, grain planting area, wheat planting area, corn planting area, cotton planting area, oil plant planting area, grain output, the output of meat, eggs and milk products, aquatic product output, gross output value and index of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery), industry (the number of industrial enterprises above designated size, the number of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, the number of state-owned industrial enterprises, the number of private industrial enterprises, the output of major industrial products, industrial profits above scale, added value of the construction sector), urban and rural areas (urban and rural overall planning, overall planning and near-term construction plan of economic development zones, urban control detailed planning, power consumption) as well as tourism (the red culture along the Yellow River). This dataset is expected to provide data support for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.

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