
A computer system for the management of Veterinary Pathology data has been developed as an application of a general purpose Clinical Data Management System (CDMS), which was implemented at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas for a high-reliability multiprocessor TANDEM-16. CDMS manages the data input phase of the Veterinary Pathology system and has numerous features to assist a novice user, such as the presentation of »screens« of data each accompanied by an easily accessed HELP screen, on-line user documentation and computer-assisted instruction material. Retrievals from the Veterinary Pathology system utilize the TANDEM relational retrieval facility ENFORM and the experimental natural language retrieval system, the MEANINGEX-based Semantic Similarity Analyzer. This computer-based storage, retrieval and report generation system is designed to meet the well-defined requirements of the user group with respect to its teaching, research and service commitments. Results of its first year of operation indicate that the Veterinary Pathology data management system is convenient and useful in the environment for which it was designed.

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