
A high-field (D-band, 130 GHz) electron spin echo-detected spectrum of the primary electron donor triplet state,3P, in quinone-depleted photosynthetic reaction centers from the bacteriumRhodobacter sphaeroides R26 is obtained. It shows a significantg-anisotropy, which is larger than that of the primary donor oxidized state, P+⋅. Simulation gives the tripletg-tensor principal values of 2.0037, 2.0028, and 2.0022 (precision ±0.0001), assuming that theg-tensor is coaxial to a zerofield splitting tensor. The3P spectral lineshape reveals an orientational anisotropy of the triplet quantum yield. We explain this anisotropy as arising from the difference in the main values and relative orientations between theg-tensors of P+⋅ and I A −⋅ in the primary radical pair (the triplet state’s precursor).

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