
Little attention has bee-n devoted to the actual rock record of the cyclical occurrence of reef facies built by calcareous algae. The present paper briefly discusses this subject. The upper three-fourths of the Warrior limestone formation of Upper Cambrian age (about 1200 feet total tlhickness) is excellently exposed in three roadcuts along Highway No. 322, Bellefonte Quadrangle, Pennsylvania. Our concern will be with the middle roadcut where a cycle of Cryptozoon reef facies is readily traceable. The base of this exposure lies 0.3 miles southeast of the road to Waddle and five miles west of State College. Table I shows the maximum thickness of individual reef facies, the overlying sediments separating one reef facies from another, and the occurrence of oolitic limestone and edgewise conglomerates in the overlying sediments. Thus, between beds 12.35 and 12.39, one reef facies 8.0 inches thick is separated from the next reef facies (25.0 inches in thickness) by 33.0 inches of sediment, and so on.

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