
Abstract In August 1973, 320 vertical profiles of temperature and horizontal velocity were recorded during a 64 h period by an array of three Cyclesondes in the coastal upwelling region off Oregon. The mean interior along-shore velocity was geostrophic and a linear function of density, with a near-surface, equatorward jet at mid-shelf, and a poleward undercurrent at the shelf break. The mean cross-shelf flow was relatively weak and substantially ageostrophic; it was suggestive of a two-cell (co-rotating) circulation within the mid-shelf frontal zone and a two-cell (counter-rotating) circulation near the shelf break. The direction of the mean, near-bottom, cross-shelf flow was consistent with a bottom Ekman layer driven by the mean near-bottom alongshore flow. At mid-shelf, near-inertial motions with a vertical wavelength of 50 m, upward phase velocity, and downward group velocity persisted throughout the record. The hourly vector shears indicated a layer of persistent shear instability at the base of the ...

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