
From a broad perspective there are only three arterial systems that respond to relative hypoxia with vasoconstriction. They are the placental, the pulmonic and the renal vascular beds. The renal system’s adaptation to hypoxia is markedly different from the other two circulatory beds and will not be further considered here. Regional vasoconstriction is adaptive in the placenta and lung because it redirects red blood cells from areas of relative hypoxia to more oxygenated areas thereby maximizing oxygen uptake for a given cardiac output. The fetal placental and pulmonary vascular systems are unique because their smooth muscle cells have a unique and possibly identical potassium channel that responds to hypoxia by closing, thereby depolarizing the cell membrane allowing calcium ion influx and muscle contraction. It may be that a variety of initial causes of temporary or local placental hypoxia initiate a cascade of first fetal placental then maternal vasoconstriction and endothelial activation leading to the clinical syndrome we call preeclampsia. The response cascades seen in preeclampsia, which for purposes of this article I will abbreviate as (PECL), after development of widespread vasoconstriction, will also be seen to be identical or at least parallel in pulmonary hypertension (PAH). This means that some or all of the pharmacotherapies presently used, tested or considered in early PAH may also have a therapeutic effect in PECL by reducing fetal placental arterial resistance thereby increasing fetal placental flow. This would allow increased oxygen and other nutrient uptake and possibly increased fetal cardiac output in the face of reduced fetal cardiac work. This may allow a delay in delivery in which fetuses grow and are better oxygenated in preterm PECL, improving neonatal outcomes.

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