
AbstractThe most cutting‐edge innovation in recent times, cloud technology, changed the whole computer paradigm from less capable, specific, user‐isolated offline systems to potent multi‐server interactive systems. Despite being a huge benefit, controlling the security and accessibility of data stored in the cloud is a difficult task. Hence, this article presents a four‐phased security paradigm for securing data generated by internet of things (IoT) devices and transmitted to fog servers. In the article, we outline a comprehensive, cutting‐edge architecture for safeguarding and protecting the information that IoT devices produce and transmit to the cloud. The suggested architecture blends the advantages of an innovative mutual authentication algorithm, a novel key distribution algorithm, and a novel encryption hybrid algorithm for maximum effectiveness and increased security. The findings demonstrate that the suggested protocol outperforms previous techniques in terms of time and resource consumption and throughput. In contrast to previous protocols, the suggested approach reduces encrypting time by 28% and decryption time by about 32%, while the volume of encrypted messages produced stays consistent. There has also been a 28% increase in encryption throughput. Proposed work demonstrates minimal resource utilization, good performance and a higher level of security robustness.

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