
Background: Absenteeism is defined as a habit of staying away from the regular classes without providing a genuine or any reason for not attending classes. If Medical student is unable to attend the classes, it is not only loss for him or her family but also to the whole society. Materials and Methods: It was a Cross sectional study conducted among medical undergraduate at Private Medical College of central Gujarat during April to September 2018. Total 238 students having attendance less than 75% were approached from all batches. Number of responses was taken as a denominator to calculate the percentages. Results: 73% of students joined MBBS by self motivation followed by Parents’ wish (21%). The main reasons for less attendance were Classroom related (non functioning Air conditioner (57%), audiovisual aids (15%), ventilation & hygiene (17%), Colleague related (peer pressure (12%), Faculty related (non interactive lectures (27%), subject related (boring subject (23% ), subject hard to understand (16%)). Students spent time on leisure activities (29.2%), sleeping (17.3%) and going home (7.2%) while not attending lectures. 35% students studied the missed topic by self, 41% preferred books and internet and 13% asked classmates. 62% suggested improving the quality of teaching with interactive sessions. Conclusion: Absenteeism was highly prevalent among medical undergraduates. More student friendly infrastructure of classrooms and more interactive teaching with quality presentation might promote students to attend the lectures. Early communication of Attendance to the students as well as parents can be one of the remedial measures.

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