
Jared Diamond’s book <em>Collapse</em> captivated readers with its tales of past great civilizations succumbing to dramatic cycles of decline, and among them are the ancient Maya. Diamond’s model of the Maya collapse has become quite popular since its publication, however numerous other divergent theories exist as well, which attempt to explain the phenomenon. Diamond, buoyed by the success of his book and his renown as an author, is the assumed authority, despite academic criticism. By comparing Diamond’s <em>Collapse</em> with current research I hope to critique Diamond and thus elucidate the condition of the Maya decline concerning the roles of the environment, the regional variability of various sociopolitical dynamics, such as those that were played out in the Petexbatun region, and the extent of Post Classic continuation of Maya tradition.


  • The Maya ‘Collapse’ According to Jared Diamond Diamond defines collapse as, ‘A drastic decrease in human population size and/or political/economic/social complexity, over a considerable area, for an extended time’ (Diamond 2011: 3)

  • In the case of the ancient Maya collapse, Diamond emphasizes the role of environmental degradation compounded by climate change

  • As a result of disillusionment and agricultural stress, ninety to ninety-nine percent of the Maya population had disappeared by AD 800 (Diamond 2011: 172)

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The Maya ‘Collapse’ According to Jared Diamond Diamond defines collapse as, ‘A drastic decrease in human population size and/or political/economic/social complexity, over a considerable area, for an extended time’ (Diamond 2011: 3). In the case of the ancient Maya collapse, Diamond emphasizes the role of environmental degradation compounded by climate change. Diamond seldom addresses the role of culture, he does cite elite mismanagement as a factor in the dramatic depopulation of the Maya lowlands.

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