
To measure organismal coherence in a pelagic ecosystem, we used moored sensors to describe the vertical dynamics of each step in the food chain in shelf waters off the west shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Horizontally extensive, intense aggregations of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and micronekton exhibited strong diel patterns in abundance and vertical distribution, resulting in a highly variable potential for interaction amongst trophic levels. Only around dusk did zooplankton layers overlap with phytoplankton layers. Shortly after sunset, micronekton ascended from the deep, aggregating on the island's shelf. Short-lived departures in migration patterns were detected in depth, vertical distribution, density, and total abundance of micronekton when zooplankton layers were present with typical patterns resuming within one hour. Layers of zooplankton began to disappear within 20 minutes of the arrival of micronekton with no layers present after 50 minutes. The effects of zooplankton layers cascaded even further up the food chain, affecting many behaviors of dolphins observed at dusk including their depth, group size, and inter-individual spacing. As a result of these changes in behavior, during a 30-minute window just after dusk, the number of feeding events observed for each dolphin and consequently the feeding time for each individual more than doubled when zooplankton layers were present. Dusk is a critical period for interactions amongst species in this system from phytoplankton to top predators. Our observations that short time windows can drive the structure and function of a complex suite of organisms highlight the importance of explicitly adding a temporal dimension at a scale relevant to individual organisms to our descriptions of heterogeneity in ocean ecosystems.


  • Interactions between predators and prey have shaped all life on earth, affecting individual behavior, species morphology, population dynamics, species diversity, community structure, and ecosystem function [1]

  • Fluorescent layers A total of 206 discrete, fluorescent layers were identified from the moored data set

  • A comparison of layers detected with the echosounder mooring and those detected with the profiler showed detection rates and vertical locations coincided

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Interactions between predators and prey have shaped all life on earth, affecting individual behavior, species morphology, population dynamics, species diversity, community structure, and ecosystem function [1]. The probability of these interactions between trophic levels is largely a function of the density of predator and prey and the overlap of their populations. There are four dimensions of overlap to consider – the x-y or horizontal plane, depth (z), and time (t). Surveys of predator and prey densities implicitly assume a constant relationship within each observation, making it possible to observe correlations at climatological [17,18], annual [19], seasonal [20,21], or even daily [22] time scales. It is typically difficult to connect the small scale observations of an individual predator to the larger scale observations of populations or communities necessary to understand the ecology of the system [25]

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