
ABSTRACT Addiction is defined as a persistent, uncontrollable psychological or physiological dependence on a substance or behavior. It is a long-term brain condition that results in obsessive drug use despite negative effects. Addiction has general as well as negative social effects on people. Any type of drug addiction that is abruptly stopped can result in a psychosomatic condition. Even though contemporary medicine has developed several methods and molecules to combat these, the desired result is far from reality. Hence, it is the need of the hour to find a better solution to combat this drug addiction by exploring the principles of Ayurveda and also by following the drugs and regimen mentioned by the Acharyas in the classics. The information for this article has been gathered from my personal clinical experiences as well as from several completed clinical studies about drug addiction, withdrawal, and its management that has been incorporated in index and nonindex journals. The Padanshik kram is a special technique mentioned in Ayurveda to stop any substance (dangerous or nondangerous) that is homologous to humans by the process of tapering gradually. To replace and tapper up Sameer Gaj Kesari Ras, Vishtinduk Vati in opium withdrawal treatment can be very much beneficial. Along with the above medication, following methods such as psychological counseling, Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Yoga, meditation, and Satvavajaya Chikitsa can also be very much beneficial. Thus, in addiction and withdrawal due to substances containing opium or its derivatives, the Ayurvedic way of treatment can be one of the most effective modes of treatment.

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