
The usage of liquid-cooled microchannel heat dissipation devices is gaining importance in thermal management of electronic components owing to miniaturization. The development of such devices requires a deeper knowledge of the flow characteristics within geometrically modified microchannels. This article critically examines the research on modifications in geometry of channels for thermo-hydraulic performance enhancement. The article aims to determine the best channel configuration with optimal parameters that can maximize the overall performance of the device. For this purpose, collected research have been scrutinized in ascending order of the complexity in channel design. This article explores various designs and their influencing parameters, starting with linear and non-linear microchannel shapes, followed by bifurcated and connected secondary channels and, in the end, configurations with structured roughness such as cavities, ribs and cavity-rib combinations in it. Finally, conclusions of the examined research are presented with an analysis of their implications as well as gaps and potential recommendations for future research.

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