
Abstract: The science of Ayurveda focuses on the prevention and cure of illness. The Tridoshas, Sapta Dhatus, and Trimalas all endorse it. Apart from the Sapta Dhatus, Upadhatus play an important role. It is Artava, the Upadhatu of Rasa Dhatu, that causes conception in females. Therefore, Artava's health is very important in terms of reproductive health. The menstrual cycle is known in Ayurveda as Rituchakra and is separated into three phases: Ritukaala, Rituvyatitkaala, and Rajahsravakaal. The most significant is Jatharagni, which breaks down four different kinds of food into Rasa and Mala. Every Dhatu is divided into three parts by the seven Dhatvagni acting on its corresponding dhatus. Thus, the whole transformation process yields two different kinds of products: Kitta (excrete) and Prasad (essence). The former is consumed for sustenance, whereas the latter is discarded because, if it remains in the body longer, it defiles it. Since all of the Artava Dushti falls under the category of impaired Agni function, this Agni serves as a crucial foundation for the creation of Artava in the tree.

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