
Different kinds of chikitsa have been recommended for disease therapy by the timeless science of life known as Ayurveda. Shadvidha upakrama is a very important chikitsa among those given. Upakrama expertise is critical in this situation. According to the Ayurvedic system, only two upakramas, bruhana (vruddhikara) and langhana (hrasakara), are primarily discussed. Specifically, santarpana and apatarpana. Satarpana is defined as an excessive intake of overly nutrient-dense food and a lack of physical activity. Apatarpaan is defined as consuming fewer, less nutrient-dense meals while engaging in more physical activity. Ayurveda has the potential to transform the current healthcare industry and create a more sustainable healthcare system in the future. Its prevention is better than cure philosophy, is to offer guidance for a healthy lifestyle that will promote general wellbeing. In Ayurveda, mandagni results in aamsanchiti, which causes santarpanjanya vyadhis like diabetes, kustha, jwar, libido, sthoulya, etc., and undernutrition results in apatarpan, which causes vyadhis like decreased physical strength, oja, varna, shukra, and reduced muscle power. Shadvidh upakrama is used to prevent and treat various diseases.

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