
Introduction: Ayatollah Khomeini: a clerical revolutionary? Arshin Adib-Moghaddam 1. Khomeini and the 'White Revolution' Fakhreddin Azimi 2. The rise of Khomeinism: problematizing the politics of resistance in pre-revolutionary Iran Mojtaba Mahdavi 3. Wilayat al-Faqih and the meaning of Islamic government Amr G. E. Sabet 4. Ayatollah Khomeini's rule of the guardian jurist: from theory to practice Ali Rahnema 5. Khatt-e imam: the followers of Khomeini's line L. A. Reda 6. Khomeini and the West Mehran Kamrava 7. Gendered Khomeini Azadeh Kian 8. Hidden Khomeini: mysticism and poetry Lloyd Ridgeon 9. The divine, the people, and the Faqih: on Khomeini's theory of sovereignty Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi 10. Khomeini's legacy on women's rights and roles in the Islamic Republic of Iran Arzoo Osanloo 11. To rule, or not to rule? An alternative look at the political life of Ayatollah Khomeini between 1960 and 1980 Sadegh Zibakalam 12. Khomeini and the decolonization of the political S. Sayyid 13. Contentious legacies of the Ayatollah Babak Rahimi.

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