
This qualitative phenomenological research used Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis model. The primary data sources for this research are English lecturers in Indonesian universities: Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda, Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin, and Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel related to discourses in English lectures. Secondary data from this research was the information about discourse development obtained from data-documentation sources in the form of literature studies from research sources, whether from proceedings, journal articles, theses, or dissertations. The research data analysis used critical discourse analysis, which was developed by Fairclough. This discourse analysis reveals that the English-speaking courses thoroughly integrate dimensions of moderate Islamic perspectives promoted by the Indonesian government - tolerance, non-violence, cultural groundedness, and national unity. Lecturers consciously amplify ideological content and participatory formats embodying these moderate religiosity traits. In short, the classes linguistically reproduce state-ordained religious moderation through textual and structural infusion of key elements. This signals a systemic alignment between English language pedagogy and the cultivation of ideals mandated more broadly across Indonesian higher education.

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