
This paper develops a cost-effective sequential route recommender system to provide real-time routing recommendations for vacant taxis searching for the next passenger. We propose a prediction-and-optimization framework to recommend the searching route that maximizes the expected profit of the next successful passenger pickup based on the dynamic taxi demand-supply distribution. Specifically, this system features a deep learning-based predictor that dynamically predicts the passenger pickup probability on a road segment and a recursive searching algorithm that recommends the optimal searching route. The predictor integrates a graph convolution network (GCN) to capture the spatial distribution and a long short-term memory (LSTM) to capture the temporal dynamics of taxi demand and supply. The GCN-LSTM model can accurately predict the pickup probability on a road segment with the consideration of potential taxi oversupply. Then, the dynamic distribution of pickup probability is fed into the route optimization algorithm to recommend the optimal searching routes sequentially as route inquiries emerge in the system. The recursion tree-based route optimization algorithm can significantly reduce the computational time and provide the optimal routes within seconds for real-time implementation. Finally, extensive experiments using Beijing Taxi GPS data demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed recommender system. History: Accepted by Ram Ramesh, Area Editor for Data Science and Machine Learning. Funding: This work was partially supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council [Grants CityU 21500220, CityU 11504322] and the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant 72201222]. Supplemental Material: The software that supports the findings of this study is available within the paper and its Supplemental Information ( https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/suppl/10.1287/ijoc.2021.0112 ) as well as from the IJOC GitHub software repository ( https://github.com/INFORMSJoC/2021.0112 ). The complete IJOC Software and Data Repository is available at https://informsjoc.github.io/ .

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