
FINGLETON B. and TYLER P. (1990) A cost-based approach to the modelling of industrial movement in Great Britain, Reg. Studies 24, 433–445. Whilst the inter-regional movement of companies has received fairly extensive treatment in published research, the lack of appropriate data has made it difficult for British regional economists to model the factors influencing the movement of industrial firms within Standard Regions. The paper adopts a theoretical approach to the modelling of industrial movement at the county level which is derived from a relatively well developed theory of the firm and which builds upon a realistic view of how firms undertake their industrial location decision. The paper makes use of a unique set of data which provides new evidence on geographical variations in industrial costs in Great Britain. The model is used to predict the destination of firms which moved from locations in the South East of England over the period 1972–81. FINGLETON B. et TYLER P. (1990) Une facon de modeliser le...

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