
The virtualization of both servers and substrate networks is a promising technique that will enable the future Internet architecture to support a variety of cloud computing services and architectures. The problem of efficiently mapping a virtual infrastructure (VI) over a wide-area optical network is a key problem in provisioning Infrastructure (and Network) as a Service over multiple datacenters. In this paper, we study the problem of cost efficient VI mapping and propose a novel approach called the virtual infrastructure mapping algorithm (VIMA) that jointly considers node mapping and link mapping. Such a close coordination between the link and node mapping stages increases the efficiency of the VIMA algorithm. We compare the performance of our VIMA algorithm with other VI mapping algorithms such as NSVIM, vnmFlib and R-ViNE under various performance metrics using simulation. Our simulation results and analysis show that the VIMA algorithm outperforms the other algorithms in terms of VI mapping costs and path length of VI links.

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