
Massive multi-core architectures provide a computation platform with high processing throughput, enabling the efficient processing of workloads with a significant degree of thread-level parallelism found in networking environments. Communication-centric workloads, like those in LAN and WAN environments, are fundamentally composed of sets of packets, named flows. The packets within a flow usually have dependencies among them, which reduce the amount of parallelism. However, packets of different flows tend to have very few or no dependencies among them, and thus can exploit thread-level parallelism to its fullest extent. Therefore, in massive tile-based multi-core architectures, it is important that the processing of the packets of a particular flow takes place in a set of cores physically close to each other to minimize the communication latency among those cores. Moreover, it is also desirable to spread out the processing of the different flows across all the cores of the processor in order to minimize the stress on a reduced number of cores, thus minimizing the potential for thermal hotspots and increasing the reliability of the processor. In addition, the burst-like nature of packet-based workloads render most of the cores idle most of the time, enabling large power savings by power gating these idle cores. This work presents a high-level study of the performance, power, and thermal behavior of tile-based architectures with a large number of cores executing flow-based packet workloads, and proposes a load-balancing policy of assigning packets to cores that minimizes the communication latency while featuring a hotspot-free thermal profile.

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