
Creation of forms, varieties, and hybrids of plants resistant to biotic factors is an important national economic task. It is known that the defeat of agricultural plants by fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases, as well as pests leads to a loss of 38.8% to 60.4% of the crop. The most promising way to protect plants from phytopathogens is selection, which allows to obtain varieties and hybrids of crops with complex resistance. However, the process of creating varieties and hybrids remains long and reaches ten years or more. At the same time, the degree of plant resistance to harmful organisms is often insufficient and does not always meet the requirements of production. The efficiency of the breeding process can be improved and accelerated through the use of rapid methods based on the selection in the laboratory of samples resistant to selective factor. The study was carried out in the Laboratory of Immunity at the VNIIO – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary FNCO in the Moscow region (Russia). As source material used, three samples of carrot breeding in VNIIO characterized by different resistance to Fusarium and Alternaria. The results of the experimental work showed the possibility of rapid assessment of carrots for resistance to PP fungal diseases. Alternaria and Fusarium seeds on the culture liquid filtrate at a concentration of 50% when germinating. This allows in the laboratory in a short time to evaluate a large number of breeding samples. The method of rapid assessment allows in 3.4 times to reduce the time required for the evaluation of breeding material and to reduce the consumption of seed.

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