
This study was conducted to assess the correlation of level of anxiety, social phobia and academic achievement among students of a selected nursing college, Ludhiana. The research approach adopted for this study is Quantitative and Non-Experimental Co- relational design is used. The study sample included B.Sc Nursing students of Institute of Nursing Education, GTB Hospital, Ludhiana. Two standardized tools were used for assessment of Social phobia and Anxiety among students. The tool used for assessment of Social phobia was SPIN and for assessment of Anxiety, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used. Pilot study was done on one-tenth of the total sample i.e. on 10 students to ensure feasibility of the study. Before final data collection, sampling was done using Stratified Random Sampling. Out of 60 students in each class of B.Sc Ist yr, IInd yr, IIIrdyr and IVth yr, 25 students were selected from each class using lottery without replacement method. So the sample size was 100. Before starting data collection informed consent was taken from the students regarding their participation in the study. Then the two tools were administered to the students and they were instructed not to leave any part blank. Thereafter the data gathered was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results of the study proved that Anxiety does affect the academic achievement of the students whereas Self-reported academic performance did not significantly differ between the students with social phobia and those without social phobia.

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