
Introduction: Fingerprints and Lip prints has its reliability for its uniqueness and can be used solelyas an aid in identification for civil and criminal cases. Hence a correlation between the fingerprints andlip prints can bring up a new approach or idea in the field of Forensic Medicine for solving medicolegalcases. The present study was conducted on 25 pairs of twins with the main objective to find any existingcorrelation between fingerprints and lip prints and to determine the most predominant finger print andlip print pattern among Twin A and Twin B individually.Materials and Methods: The study was done is subjects age ranging from 6-18 years. A proforma withsubject particulars and consent form was prepared. Lip prints were obtained in a drawing chart, themiddle part of the lower lip was analysed based on Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification. Fingerprint ofleft thumb finger was obtained in a white paper and analysed based on Henry’s system of classification.Results: The present study showed that there was no significant correlation between the Lip prints andFingerprints in Twins with p value >0.001. Among twin A and twin B the most predominant Lip printpattern was Type I’ and the Fingerprint pattern was Loop pattern respectively.Conclusion: Lip prints and Fingerprints are two important parameters for an individual in identification.There are various studies till now in individuals but very few in twins. So, in this study we made anattempt to find the correlation between the parameters, whether they were existing or not and found thatthere was no significant correlation yet can be used as a separate tool. Hence it is essential to performfurther studies on a larger group and create a database for getting accurate results.

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