
This article strives to convey the correlation between philosophy and theology, reason and faith in the work of Joaquim Cerqueira Goncalves, who rejected the modern enlightened and positivist division of associating faith and religion to the irrational and to superstition to the contrary of philosophy and science identified as rational and true. Philosophy emerged in Greece through the appropriation of problems previously raised by mythical and religious cultural manifestations and with religion developing in the West through the appropriation of the Greco-Roman philosophic categories. However, this author put forward a new religious rationality that conceives of the world as a gift under development and not as a degraded reality subject to restoration. In opposition to the Greek metaphysics of degradation and reintegration into the One and in opposition to the Christmas gnostic metaphysics of the fall and redemption, the Franciscan thinker, in dialogue not only with the medieval thinking of Duns Escoto and Saint Bonaventure but also with the contemporary phenomenology of E. Levinas and Michel Henry, proposed a metaphysics of creation and manifestation founded on the differentiated Unity of God, a triune that fosters the values of ecology and religious ecumenism.

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