
The purpose of this study is to explore the syntactic features of maritime news headlines from three aspects: sentence structure patterns, sentence voices and omissions, with the help of SPSS, WordSmith Tools and CLAWS4. Three findings are noted. First, simple sentences are used much more frequently in the Maritime News Headline Corpus (MNHC) than the General News Headlines Corpus (GNHC). Among the seven basic modes of simple sentences, SVOA, SVO, and SVA are the most common patterns used in the two corpora. Second, there were no significant differences between the two corpora in sentence voice. However, the active voice is used more frequently in the two corpora than the passive voice. Third, there were no significant differences between the corpora in omissions. However, the data showed a significant similarity in that the omission of relative verbs, auxiliary verbs, articles, conjunctions and pronouns in the MNHC, as seen in the GNHC.

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