
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of low-cost, low-power and intelligent sensor nodes and one or more sinks or base stations. Those nodes are small in size and can perform many important functions, including event sensing, information processing, and data communication. WSNs can be employed in wide military applications and civilian scenarios. Sensing the signal and transmission of those signal require lots of energy which reduces the life time of sensor node, which affects the overall network life time. So for saving the energy a better mechanism is required which can improve the overall network life time. Many research works are going in this field for improving the network life time. For Energy saving a large network is divided in to some cluster from one hop to another hop, where a hop contains a Cluster Head (CH) which is chosen by the Base Station (BS) and a Cluster Member (CM), which can communicate with CH. Clusters, can save the energy due to less distance communication factor. CH communicates with BS. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) is very popular clustering mechanism, but it also has some draw backs. So a better mechanism for energy saving and to improve the life time of network is needed. Here author proposed a new idea called Mutual relay node clustering protocol. Here author analyses the network life time in terms of number of rounds and overall energy consumption and compare with currently existing Leach protocol.

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