
NGC 4472 is shown to contain a large quantity (1010M⊙) of X-ray-emitting gas which is cooling and flowing into the center. The binding of this hot gas in the outer regions of the galaxy requires a substantial halo, (3.5±0.8) × 1010 (T/107 K) M⊙ kpc−1] of dark matter. A one-phase model is developed for the cooling flow in NGC 4472 and compared with X-ray surface-brightness profiles. It is found that the supernova rate must be less than 1.3×10−4 yr−1 / 1010L⊙ − one twentieth of that given by Tamman; (ii) much of the mass lost from stars via winds or planetary nebulae is confined by the hot phase and rapidly condenses to form new stars; (iii) mass cools out of the hot phase at a rate of ∼½ M⊙ yr-1 and does so over the whole galaxy – not just in the central regions. Some of this gas is supplied by an outer reservoir or intragroup medium.

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