
Here we made multiconstituent (gas/dust/field), homogeneous maps of a length of a vertical filament including DR 21(OH) proper. We observed at a radial velocity around -3.5 km s-1 the 12CO, 13CO, and C18O gas in the J = 3-2 lines, as well as the thermal dust continuum near 850 ?m and the dust's linear polarization properties, all near the same wavelength (850 ?m) and with the same angular resolution (14'') using the same antenna (James Clerk Maxwell Telescope [JCMT]). We deduce the energy components in the cool filament, and we compute the pressure components there and those in the surrounding region. The vertical filament has a total pressure composed about equally of turbulent energy and magnetic energy. The magnetic field in the vertical filament appears to go across the filament and has an estimated strength of 100-200 ?G in the sky plane. Near the map center, we find a low-velocity outflow from DR 21(OH), with a pattern of blue southeast gas and red northwest gas. For the central DR 21(OH) protostar, our JCMT polarimetric data allow us to infer a median plane-of-sky field of 780 ?G oriented mainly east-west (as seen with the JCMT beam of 14''), which is comparable to the published Zeeman data along the line of sight (-530 ?G).

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