
This paper presents a novel computational framework for the in silico analysis of rank-one multilayered electro-active polymer composites exhibiting complex deformation patterns. The work applies the principles of rank-n homogenisation in the context of extremely deformable dielectric elastomers actuated beyond the onset of geometrical instabilities. Following previous work by the authors (Gil and Ortigosa, 2016; Ortigosa and Gil, 2016; Ortigosa and Gil, 2016) Convex Multi-Variable (CMV) energy density functionals are used to describe the physics of the individual microscopic constituents, which is shown to guarantee ab initio the existence of solutions for the microstructure problem, described in terms of the so-called deformation gradient and electric displacement amplitude vectors. The high nonlinearity of the quasi-static electro-mechanical problem is resolved via a monolithic multi-scale Newton–Raphson scheme, which is enhanced with a tailor-made arc length technique, used to circumvent the onset of geometrical instabilities. A tensor cross product operation between vectors and tensors and an additive decomposition of the micro-scale deformation gradient (in terms of macro-scale and fluctuation components) are used to considerably reduce the complexity of the algebra. The possible loss of ellipticity of the homogenised constitutive model is strictly monitored through the minors of the homogenised acoustic tensor. A series of numerical examples is presented in order to demonstrate the effect that the volume fraction, the contrast and the material properties, as well as the level of deformation and electric field, have upon the response of the composites when subjected to large three dimensional stretching, bending and torsion, including the possible development of wrinkling.

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