
I have more dreams analyzed along this line. But I believe that for present purposes the above are sufficient to bring home the general principle I set out to prove. I think I am justified in drawing the following conclusionsfrom the analyses here given: (1) Dreams which are remembered best and most vividly most probably occurred in a hypnagogic or hypnoidal state or in a state of light sleep. Dreams which occur shortly before awakening are apt to be best remembered. (2) Dreams are but the continuation of our waking mental life, but owing to the lessened activity of clear, critical consciousness, not in the same orderly, logical and reasoned way. (3) The law of determinism holds true in dream life. Every mental state, every psychic fact has a logical and efficient antecedent causative factor. (4) The experiences and mental processes of dreams are not necessarily unconscious or subconscious in the Freudian sense. They may be forgotten never to be recalled by psychanalysis, the association tests or any othe...

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