
In this paper the analysis of structures with inelastic material behaviour is considered taking into account the evolution of defects and changes in mass density. The underlying kinematical concept of an oriented continuum is general enough to describe the micro- and macrobehaviour of material bodies appropriately. Based on the logical and consistent variational arguments for a Lagrangian functional the dynamic balance laws, boundary and transversality conditions, all related to the evolution of defect density and mass changes, are derived for macro- and microstresses of deformational as well as of configurational type. The adopted procedure, which formally leaves the balance laws unaltered, leads to the additional balance law for changes in defect density and additional boundary conditions for the changes in mass and defect densities. Driving forces or affinities, associated with the evolution of defect and mass densities, and a generalization of the J-integral representing the thermodynamic forces on defects are obtained. A nonlocal constitutive model accounting for changes in the defect density is presented.

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