
ABSTRACT Springboard diving training is often focused upon skill repetition to establish movement accuracy, stability and consistency. Within-participant study designs provide the ability to understand how individuals create these skills under different movement strategies. IMUs measured angular velocity time-series data of two athletes performing multiple repetitions of forward 3½ somersault pike dives. Functional Principal Component Analyses (fPCA) were performed to examine individual movement structure and variability. The first five fPC’s represented approximately 98% of the variability in angular velocity for both divers. To determine the relative importance of angular velocity variability, Pearson’s correlations for pairwise comparisons were used to assess the relationship between fPC scores and discrete performance variables during takeoff, flight and entry. Divers exhibited a different number and types of significant correlations (International = 4; National = 11). Only one correlation was common for both divers; higher angular velocity during Initial Flight and/or Somersault phases resulted in more vertically aligned entry posture (International: fPC1 r = −0.761, p < 0.05; National: fPC3 r = −0.796, p < 0.01). Findings identify individualised angular velocity time-series structure and kinematic performance variables (International = angular; National = linear) that can be used by coaching/sport science teams to optimisation performance success.

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