
Among the many interesting results of their 1958 paper, G. Polya and I. J. Schoenberg studied the de la Vallee Poussin means of analytic functions. These are polynomial approximations of a given analytic function on the unit disk obtained by taking Hadamard products of the functionf with certain polynomialsV n (z), wheren is the degree of the polynomial. The polynomial approximationsV n *f converge locally uniformly tof asn→∞. In this paper, we define a subordination chainV λ (z),γ>0, |z|<1, of convex mappings of the disk that for integer values is the same as the previously definedV n (z). Iff is a conformal mapping of the diskD onto a convex domain, thenV λ *f→f locally uniformly as λ→∞, and in fact $$V_{\lambda _1 } * f(\mathbb{D}) \subset V_{\lambda _2 } * f(\mathbb{D}) \subset f(\mathbb{D})$$ when λ2 > λ1. We also consider Hadamard products of theV λ with complex-valued harmonic mappings of the disk.

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