
Healing and health are fundamental to human life. People go to any extent to seek healing. When orthodox medicine fails, people do not hesitate to go to prayer houses and even herbalists to procure healing. The centrality of healing features prominently in Jesus' earthly ministry. In compliance with Jesus' instruction to his followers to preach the gospel and heal the sick, the CAC has made healing one of its major preoccupations. However, there are cases of ministers using extra-Biblical means to perform healing such as the sale of anointing oil, handkerchief, and water. Also, ministers seek gratification from beneficiaries of healing and other abuses that were not witnessed during Jesus' ministry. Therefore, this study investigated healing in Luke's Gospel and its application in Christ Apostolic Church to ascertain the degree of compliance to Jesus' command. The study adopted a mixed method comprising hermeneutical and exegetical methods to analyse the text to bring out the essential meaning of healing in the Bible in relation to the practice of the CAC, and a descriptive method of a survey type was employed. The results of the interview were qualitatively analysed. The study concluded that healing is a fundamental aspect of the liturgy and practice of the CAC, which helps in bringing members to salvation. Therefore, the study recommended that the church's authority should ensure strict compliance with the principles and techniques of healing adopted by Jesus in Luke's Gospel.

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