
A healthy individual is one whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses), and Mana (mind) are all in a state of happi-ness and whose body's Dosha, Agni, Dhatus, and Mala kriya (physiological functions of excretions, etc.) are all in an equilibrium. The root cause of all diseases can be attributed to three factors: Asatmaindriyartha Samyoga (overuse, underuse, or inappropriate use of sensory faculties), Prajnaparadha (intellectual blasphemy), and Parinama (time). The primary causes of mental disorders in the present period are Raja and Tama, which are within our grasp. Among the nine Karan Dravyas, Mana is called an "Amurta dravya". Manasvikara are recog-nised in this context as contributing elements to psychosomatic disorders. Ayurveda has prescribed a daily rou-tine in a very particular manner, known as Dinacharya. Adhering to the correct Dinacharya can help us combat negative lifestyle variables, stress, anxiety, and depression with great effectiveness. The most well-known func-tion of serotonin as a neurotransmitter is its ability to regulate brain activity and aid concentration. Research has shown that serotonin may also have a role in major depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia Methodology-The material in this paper is drawn from classic works of Ayurveda with easily understood com-mentary, a textbook of modern medical sciences, and other articles to help understand the concepts of Manovaha strotas, Manovikara, and the physiology and characteristics of the hormone serotonin ., how it works, the role it plays in our body, and how its level can be increased. Result -The ultimate state of mental and emotional bal-ance is Satva; Alpa satva can result in various forms of Manovikara. Serotonin levels must be balanced to re-store physiological changes and initiate the body's healing process. Thus, this article aims to comprehend the role of serotonin in Manovikara.

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