
Recommender systems (RS) are popular in many areas, such as movies, music, news, books, research articles, search queries, and social tagging. Proprietary recommender systems are used by e-commerce websites like eBay, Amazon, and Alibaba to better match customers with products they are likely to purchase. This study suggests a recommender system that combines stacked long short-term memory (LSTM) and an attention-based autoencoder. This system would be used in a self-supervised learning paradigm, and the Amazon product datasets were used to run simulations. The results showed that the proposed method is more accurate, uses less computing power, and can be used on a large scale. No matter how big the data is, it can capture low-dimensional fixed latent representations and use the bare minimum of information already in the items, whether they are new or old. Several evaluation metrics show that the method works and that the cold start problem has been solved.

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