
Effective teaching is complex as it encapsulates professional, interpersonal, and intrapersonal knowledge. Professionalism is often tied to dispositions, although ambiguous definitions and cultural sensitivity make it a difficult task. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a comprehensive list of dispositions associated with SBAE teacher preparation. The purpose of this study was to examine the use of dispositions assessments in school-based agricultural education (SBAE) teacher preparation programs in the North-Central Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education by conducting a content analysis. The sample frame included 22 dispositions, and all of them appeared in the assessments at least once, resulting in 554 dispositions across the documents. This study contributes to our understanding of teacher dispositions, an important facet of teacher education preparation programs. However, we are left with additional questions relating to practice, research, and theory. According to prior research, students bring their dispositions into their learning experiences, but those learning experiences and other factors influence changes concerning the decision to teach as a career.

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