
A content analysis of Danish library and information science (LIS) serial literature was conducted to determine the subject focus of the literature from 1957 to 1986. Two nonresearch journals, the union-owned periodical Bibliotek 70, and Bogens Verden published by the Danish Library Association, produced both the greatest number of articles and the largest number of pages. Throughout the 30 years of data analyzed, one subject area was more popular within the profession than any other. Individual Libraries/National Library Systems, or the geographical viewpoint on libraries and library systems. Management of People, Resources, and Systems was a major concern as was Cooperation, Networks, and Resource Sharing. Overall, the results of the analysis reveal strong concerns with practical librarianship and action and current events oriented topics whereas the theoretical aspects of librarianship and the areas of information science have received scant attention. The marked public library orientation is undoubtedly a reflection of the unique position of public libraries in Denmark and the existence of powerful funding schemes supporting public library development.

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