
This chapter discusses the influence of 2D game design by investigating the role of character design in increasing video game popularity. The chapter examines two aspects of game design, one positive and one negative: character design that enhances emotional appeal, and the influence of game violence on children. Previous literature on this subject discusses behavioral concepts such as immersion and realism. Qualitative interviews were conducted among preschool children and teachers, seeking to understand the development of public appreciation of character design. Qualitative analysis distinguished the scope of behavioral engagement based on specific features and components of 2D character design appeals. The findings of this study suggest that 2D character design that correlate with the commercial success of games include realism, immersion, and socio-emotional connection, which sustain player interest and affect their desire to continue playing. This study concludes with recommendations on how game artists, developers, and practitioners could improve user interface designs based on perceptions and appreciation for 2D character design appeals.

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