
The theme of this research is the discourse referring to public servants in two opin-ion articles published by Gazeta do Povo newspaper in 2017 and 2020. The general objective is investigate how the image of Brazilian civil servants is constructed, discursively, in opinion arti-cles. The specific objectives are to investigate how lexical choices, the use of metaphors and the semantic meaning of the lexicon build the image of these workers. This is a qualitative research, of an interpretive nature, which has in the selected opinion articles the direct source of the data to be interpreted. The analysis work is based on theoretical assumptions for ACD, by Van Dijk (2018), based on the socio-cognitive line, based on the discourse-cognition-society triad, elements that are in a constitutive relationship and play important role in the production and understanding of discourses. We concludeis that the lexical choices, metaphors and imagery resources that build the lo-cal and global meanings of the discourses, materialize ideologies and social practices that constitute the mental model of public servants of their, authors and the defamatory and stereotyped nature of the articles make a predominantly negative consensus regarding the public servants.

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