
Almost 10 years ago, Impagliazzo and Kabanets [5] gave a new combinatorial proof of Chernoff's bound for sums of bounded independent random variables. Unlike previous methods, their proof is constructive. This means that it provides an efficient randomized algorithm for the following task: given a set of Boolean random variables whose sum is not concentrated around its expectation, find a subset of statistically dependent variables. However, the algorithm of Impagliazzo and Kabanets is given only for the Boolean case. On the other hand, the general proof technique works also for real-valued random variables, even though for this case, Impagliazzo and Kabanets obtain a concentration bound that is slightly suboptimal.Herein, we revisit both these issues and show that in fact it is relatively easy to extend the Impagliazzo-Kabanets algorithm to real-valued random variables and to improve the corresponding concentration bound by a constant factor.

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