
This research addresses a modelling approach that combines land use and a high-speed train (TGV1Throughout this paper, we will use the French term TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) and TGV stations to refer to high-speed train stations in France to be consistent with the French definition of high-speed trains.1) network in a constrained cellular automata (CA2Throughout this paper, we will use CA to refer to Cellular Automata. The model used in this paper is also defined as the constrained cellular automata model (e.g., CA-Based Model).2) model. CA are used to model the dynamics and growth of the trans-border region of France, Monaco and Italy (Côte d’Azur-Riviera). The main objective of the study is to understand the impact of TGV stations on land use changes within the border region. This contribution provides specific and detailed map representations of future land development. In addition, based on the TGV feedback, the research highlights factors that are not included in the model that also influenced regional development. A substantial part of the work is therefore devoted to discussing and analysing these factors and the manner in which they provide an interpretative framework for the modelling exercises. The results are realistic and indicate that CA models can be used to assess this important topic even though they have not previously been used for this purpose.

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