
An intrinsic mechanism of self-renewal is critical for the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), but this HSC function is extinguished during differentiation of progenitors. Here we show that the self-renewal capacity of hematopoietic progenitor cells is regulated through physical competition for occupancy of select DNA binding sites. Initially, we found that conditional deletion of the Growth factor independent-1 (Gfi1) gene results in the accumulation of abnormally persistent myeloid progenitors in vivo. Specifically, while germline Gfi1 deletion induces defective HSC self renewal and a block to granulopoiesis, we find that conditional deletion of Gfi1 induces a severe but transient block to neutrophil development with repopulation of the bone marrow by the remaining wild type HSC within 8 weeks post deletion. However, even though normal levels of granulocyte colony forming units (G-CFU) returned by 8 weeks post deletion, an abnormal Gfi1−/− myeloid progenitor remained in the bone marrow in vivo. Subsequently, we find in vitro that both wild-type bone marrow cells expressing Gfi1-dominant-negative mutants, and Gfi1−/− Lin- bone marrow contain cells that replate indefinitely. We hypothesized that Gfi1 is critical to extinguish self renewal in hematopoietic progenitors. In seemingly unrelated work, we discovered antagonism between the drosophila orthologs of Gfi1 and the Hoxa9/Pbx1/Meis1 transcription factor complex during drosophila embryo segmentation. We extended our drosophila findings to discover that a subset of mammalian DNA regulatory sequences encode DNA binding sites for both Gfi1 and Hoxa9/Pbx1/Meis1. These DNA sequences are able to bind either factor, and function as a molecular switch. Interestingly, composite Gfi1/ Hoxa9/Pbx1/Meis1 binding sites are present in the regulatory regions of the gene encoding Hoxa9. We note that Gfi1 expression is normally induced, while Hoxa9 expression is down-regulated, during the transition from common myeloid progenitor (CMP) to the granulocyte-monocyte progenitor (GMP). CMP have greater self renewal potential than GMP. Conditional deletion of Gfi1 in sorted CMP or GMP both increases Hoxa9 expression and generates progenitors capable of replating indefinitely in vitro. Thus, Gfi1 is critical to limit self renewal in these progenitors. Deregulated Hoxa9 expression or activity appears pivotal to this new Gfi1-null phenotype, because Gfi1 dominant-negative mutants immortalize wild-type (or Hoxa7−/−) but not Hoxa9−/− bone marrow cells in vitro. An abnormal gain of self-renewal can unleash the leukemic potential of progenitor cells. We find that both limiting Gfi1 gene dosage and expression of Gfi1 dominant-negative mutants significantly increases Nup98-Hoxa9-mediated colony formation. In contrast, forced expression of Gfi1 prevents Nup98-Hoxa9 immortalization. Notably, the expression of Hoxa9 (independent of cases with Nup98-Hoxa9 fusions) has been reported to be of significant prognostic value in human acute myeloid leukemia. In conclusion, Gfi1 and the Hoxa9/Pbx1/Meis1 complex compete to control the expression of genes (such as Hoxa9) which are critical to extinguish self renewal and limit the leukemogenic potential of hematopoietic progenitors. The antagonism between these transcription factor complexes is conserved from drosophila segment formation to mammalian hematopoietic progenitor biology.

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