
Protein structure prediction has emerged as a core technology for understanding biomolecules and their interactions. Here, we combine homology-based structure prediction with molecular phylogenetic analysis to study the evolution of electrostatic membrane binding among the vertebrate synaptotagmin-like protein (Slp) family. Slp family proteins play key roles in the membrane trafficking of large dense-core secretory vesicles. Our previous experimental and computational study found that the C2A domain of Slp-4 (also called granuphilin) binds with high affinity to anionic phospholipids in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane through a large positively charged protein surface centered on a cluster of phosphoinositide-binding lysine residues. Because this surface contributes greatly to Slp-4 C2A domain membrane binding, we hypothesized that the net charge on the surface might be evolutionarily conserved. To test this hypothesis, the known C2A sequences of Slp-4 among vertebrates were organized by class (from mammalia to pisces) using molecular phylogenetic analysis. Consensus sequences for each class were then identified and used to generate homology structures, from which Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatic potentials were calculated. For comparison, homology structures and electrostatic potentials were also calculated for the five human Slp protein family members. The results demonstrate that the charge on the membrane-binding surface is highly conserved throughout the evolution of Slp-4, and more highly conserved than many individual residues among the human Slp family paralogs. Such molecular phylogenetic-driven computational analysis can help to describe the evolution of electrostatic interactions between proteins and membranes which are crucial for their function.

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