
Ohmic contacts to AlGaN grown on sapphire substrates have been previously demonstrated for various compositions of AlGaN, but contacts to AlGaN grown on native AlN substrates are more difficult to obtain. In this paper, a model is developed that describes current flow through contacts to Si-doped AlGaN. This model treats the current through reverse-biased Schottky barriers as a consequence of two different tunneling-dependent conduction mechanisms in parallel, i.e., Fowler-Nordheim emission and defect-assisted Frenkel-Poole emission. At low bias, the defect-assisted tunneling dominates, but as the potential across the depletion region increases, tunneling begins to occur without the assistance of defects, and the Fowler-Nordheim emission becomes the dominant conduction mechanism. Transfer length method measurements and temperature-dependent current-voltage (I-V) measurements of Ti/Al-based contacts to Si-doped AlGaN grown on sapphire and AlN substrates support this model. Defect-assisted tunneling plays a much larger role in the contacts to AlGaN on sapphire, resulting in nearly linear I-V characteristics. In contrast, contacts to AlGaN on AlN show limited defect-assisted tunneling appear to be only semi-Ohmic.

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